The Mandela Rowing Team Being Celebrated by the Govenor at the Massachusetts State House with Director & Founder Dr. Peggy Brown and former Mandela owner, Alphonse Mourad.

Peggy Brown, Ed.D., Director
1855 Washington Street
Lower Roxbury. MA 02118
(617) 445-7515

Press Release for Immediate Release October 17,1995 Contact:Dr.Peggy Brown(617)445-7515 845-8786. Pager Re: The Head of the Charles Regatta October 22,1995 The Mandela Crew - Making History

The Mandela Crew -is "forever first" as the predominantly African American and Latino row team coming out of Roxbury, MA to row in the Head of the Charles and Head of the Connecticut Regattas. The Mandela Crew was celebrated on October 16,1995 by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority-Boston Alumnae Chapter-a predominantly African American national organization of 187.000 women committed to service. Pres. Cynthia Carter .George Bowman,State Street Bank. Michael Watkins of Shawmut Bank, Ron Burton of the Boston Red Sox were present,along with Albert Holland,Superintendent of Boston High Schools, and Dr. Peter Gottschalk, economist, and rowing enthusiast who has long been a volunteer with the Mandela Crew.This Celebration ,"Salsa Meets Gospel," with the renown Concord Baptist Church Choir "Divine Harmony" and Latin Funk Production's "El Sabor"was an evening in the tradition of "an Awakening" for the Mandela Crew, in preparing them for the challenges of the Head of the Charles.It was also an extension of the Million Man March goals of values espoused for the community,fami lies,and youth.
This year. The Mandela Crew will row the Head of the Charles in its own boat - a vintage '88 Vespoli 4 person boat, named The Albert Holland,in recognition of Holland's contributions to youth, the community and The Mandela Crew.Mike Vespoli of New Haven Connecticut, has generously assisted in getting the Mandela Dreamboat in place for this major Regatta. MIT's Stu Schmill.Head Coach,exemplifies community service at its best, in making so much possible for the young Mandela Crew. Joe Wilhelm & Congran* of Northeastern,have put.the competitive edge on.Cmty Rowing & Cmty Boating have given the daily practices, & Peter McNerney.Dir..Give Some Back,has once again provided complete rowing gear.The Mandela Crew has entered three events in this year's Head of the Charles,Sunday.10/22/95:7:50 AM Female Youth Single, 12 year old Tanisha McKibben;8:20 AM Club Men's Four, 14 ye.-^r old Coxswain with C. Jallah.Crew Captain from '94; 10:15AM Youth Men's Four,with Celso Niflo Mejia.Captain from '94. As the saying goes. "It does take a entire village to raise a child."

We owe our gratitude to one and all. But Alphonse Mourad,owner of Mandela,gives us our space and utilities without "cost, and we could not have done this without his bedrock of support. As a result, the Mandela Crew has changed the history of this city as one ot the "Forever Firsts.